20 October 2009

7 October 2009

However, I did get my Priesthood lineage printed out, and that’s pretty cool to have. Corrieos is no longer on strike, but they’ve got so much stuff backed up because of the strike that they are currently only delivering bills and other “important” documents, or so I hear (I don’t watch the news, you know).

Thank you, thank you Lyn for the spaghetti sauce recipe. I know I’ll be making some this week. I never thought I’d miss American spaghetti.

GENERAL CONFERENCE WAS AWESOME! I don’t think anyone watching will ever forget the testimony given by Elder Holland. I felt like going out and hitting some hard-hearted people with the Book of Mormon, but as you can imagine, I didn’t do that.

I just thought I’d inform you that we’ve found a great young married couple: Allan and Camile. I’ll explain their little story the next time I write.

Still no news on the camera. We’ve given it to a member to look for some cheaper prices in another area of town.

I was going to share a thought from General Conference, too, but the text is not yet online. You can be expecting that one next week, too.

As always, I hope and pray that everything is well with you all. I hope Amanda’s doing great at home and that Jennifer’s okay in Texas with the boys.

Until next week,

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