23 November 2009

4 November 2009

It’s been hot *there* everyday?! Remember when I wrote about how cold it was here? It’s not even summer yet and it’s been about 95°F here every day for the last week! I never thought that I would be living in weather like this! It does cool down at night, but inside our house it stays hot until the morning. The only air conditioning that I have enjoyed here is right now in the “lan house” (cyber café without the café?). And yet as much as I complain, I know that I can live through it. There exists no climate too hot or too cold that I wouldn’t confront for the Lord. I was thinking of talking to you guys about visiting Brazil for a few days at the end of my mission, but I’m afraid that Lyn and Elizabeth would get off the plane, feel the heat and humidity, and buy another ticket back to America without even saying hello.

Other than that, it was really good to hear about the chili cook-off and the Halloween party. It sounds like it was a blast and made a good impression on any visitors. It’s good to hear that Amanda is well. It’s also good to hear that Josh Lopez is doing well. He made a sneaky yet brilliant move: date the sister while the brother’s on a mission.

Congrats on your GPA, Lizzie. Just imagine us going and buying ice-cream randomly as a reward.

As far as Christmas goes, “Tell us something or else we'll send you something stupid,” has scared me enough to come up with some ideas. Not much, but if possible, I’m still feeling the absence of INSTITUTE manuals for the standard works. Also, anything by James E. Talmage outside of “Jesus the Christ” would be appreciated. President Araújo is really into study. If you’re wanting to send food, all I ask is chocolate. Those peanut and peanut butter M&M’s were a welcome treat. My shoes are still fine; I have enough clothes to last me for two missions. Maybe some good SPF 50 sunscreen would be nice.

You may have noticed that I took out the money to pay to fix the broken camera. You should only see a withdrawal of R$165.

Things here in Novo Mundo are also great. We have transfers again next Wednesday. It’s practically guaranteed that I’ll stay. With my luck, I’ll be transferred to São José dos Pinhais, where I here it is hotter than here and has absolutely NO wind.

Know that every time I feel hot I think of our wonderful air conditioning there at home. I hope that everything’s going great for dad at work.

Until next week,
Elder Daniel Floyd

P.S. Is someone still planning on traveling to Brazil?

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