29 March 2010

24 March 2010

Letters received since last I wrote:
1 from Bishop Cheney
1 from myself
1 PACKAGE!!!!!

Okay, I got it! It was better than I imagined! Thank you so much! Now I've got the whole Old Testament Institute manual set.

It was good to see the pictures of Amanda's and Josh's wedding. One question that just popped into my mind: Why didn't I get to see a wedding invitation? I guess it's a little two late now, but it would still be interesting to see.

As of the letter I received from myself: When missionaries arrive in this mission, Sister Araújo has them write a letter to themselves that they will receive when they pass the one-year mark. That's the letter that I received. I've decided to copy it for you here:

Dear Elder Floyd,
This letter is a trip through time: I am writing it one year from the time that you will read it. At this time (of the creation of this letter), you had just gotten out of the CTM after eight long, but short, weeks.
You are a good person, Elder Floyd. You are not perfect, but you are caring and obedient. You have a heart that is growing to care about others as you care about yourself.
You must remember that life is not a piece of cake. There are good times, yes, especially for missionaries, but there are hard times also. They help you grow and they give you the opportunity to become more Christlike. You are a testifying missionary. You have a strong testimony that you must share with others.
Baptism is not the end. Your investigators must endure to the end. If you listen to the advice of your mission president, you will be able to help them do that.
Stay strong, stay true, work hard, love the people, and be perfectly obedient. The Lord will bring people to you.

Elder Daniel Floyd

And that's it. I hope it gives you a glimpse into my mindset when I left the MTC in São Paulo. It has already helped me refocus on some important elements of missionary service.

We´re preparing Gustavo's friend Alex for baptism this Sunday. He's still a little afraid, but he is 100% prepared.

As for socks, if you send gold toes like the ones I already have, that would be perfect. As for shoes, just remember that they need to be black and not made of soft material. I don't know if work boots are in the mix again, but those would be great.

Thanks again for the package. It was a great surprise; just ask the zone leader who delivered it to me.

Until next week,
Elder Floyd

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