29 March 2010

17 March 2010

Okay, today I promise a letter much longer than what I wrote last
week. There has been no online sheet music-hunting on the to-do list
as of late. It turns out that there are now 3 choir directors: Elders
Garner, Brown, and me. We’ll all be directing about 4 hymns. So far, I
think it sounds about as good as a standard ward choir.

Now to answer the questions that Lyn sent me last week:

No, the mysterious “package” has not arrived yet. It’s possible that
it’s at the mission office right now, but I won’t go back there until

The size of a missionary district varies. There are only 4
missionaries in ours, but the standard I have seen here is six. I’ve
rarely seen 8.

The story about Ammon cutting off arms can be found in Alma 17 (no, I
didn’t remember, I searched lds.org a second ago).

I have completely worn out 2 pairs of socks, but most of them now have
at least 1 hole near the toes.

If I were you (Lyn), I would take Chemistry because Physics is all
math, and I think I remember that you weren’t very fond of math.

Like I wrote last week, Gustavo was baptized on Sunday. He is a great
kid. His mother is also preparing to be baptized on the 27th. We had
transfers today, and Elder Youngberg and I are still companions. This
transfer will last only 5 weeks (apparently this happens once every

This mission has been very interesting as far as brothers-in-law are
concerned. I lost one and am about to gain another. I hope all goes
well with the wedding.

Until next week,
Elder Floyd

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